Pilot Sectoral Digital Development Rating Impact of Digital Technologies Public Policy and Strategic Planning for Sectoral Digital Development Human Capital for Sectoral Digital Development R&D and Innovation for Sectoral Digital Development Trust and Security in Sectoral Digital Development Processes Infrastructure for Sectoral Digital Development
In his address to readers “Digital development of spheres of activity: international experience and Russian practice,” the issue’s editor Yuri Hohlov wrote:
The development of the information society today means the socio-economic changes that occur due to the use of digital technologies on the scale of a country, region or individual sphere of activity, be it a branch of the economy, a social sector or a system of public administration and local self-government. It is no coincidence that one of the national development goals of the Russian Federation until 2030 is digital transformation, or more precisely, digital development that brings economic and social dividends.
Numerous studies show that digital development is extremely uneven and depends on a large number of factors, which are not always technological by nature. It is necessary to be able not only to predict the most promising areas for the implementation of technological innovations and assess the current state, but also to purposefully plan and implement national, regional or sectoral digital initiatives.
This issue of the journal “Information Society” includes the main results of three years of scientific, methodological and applied economic research 2021-2023 on the digital transformation of major spheres of activity, carried out by employees of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade together with experts from the Institute of the Information Society by request of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The publications in this thematic issue present both theoretical research on the construction of a conceptual framework for monitoring and evaluating the processes of digital development in individual areas of activity, and practical results of pilot testing of the proposed approaches and tools. The complexity of the studied socio-technological system of digital development lies not only in modeling the processes of innovative development (from production through use to impact) based on digital technologies, but also in the need to create conditions that contribute to the successful functioning of these processes.
The integrated approach implemented in the developed monitoring and evaluation system covers a large number of non-technological factors that should be taken into account in the strategic planning and implementation of digital development processes in individual areas of activity. Therefore, the results obtained will be published in two thematic issues of our journal, the first of which is now in front of you. The second issue will be published in the first half of 2025.
The developed monitoring and evaluation system is universal by nature, can be applied to all areas of activity and provide effective feedback for targeted movement towards achieving national development goals both for the country as a whole and for a separate area of activity.
The sixth issue of the Information Society Journal for 2024 is published
The sixth issue of the Information Society Journal for 2024 is published. The main theme of the issue is The Digital Age: A New Experience of Transformation. The articles in this issue cover, among others, the following topics:
Artificial intelligence for decision-making in public administration Building digital ecosystems of regions Analytical platforms for studying social and political mobilization Digital technologies for regulating and controlling migration processes Formation of an innovative scientific and educational environment Development trends in the EdTech industry ICT in a preschool educational institution Application of artificial intelligence in creative industries Intelligent system for forecasting the development of the Russian-Belarusian borderland Features of the photonic path of artificial intelligence development
In her address to readers “Summing up the results of 2024,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:
Following an unshakable tradition, in the final issue of each year we look at the results of editorial activities, present a general picture and draw conclusions. In total, 94 articles were published in 2024. Thus, a new absolute record was set for all 35 years of the journal’s existence. Due to the political events of recent years, which have complicated the participation of Russian researchers in international publishing activities, the influx of materials to our editorial office has increased sharply, which entailed stricter requirements for their submission. As a result, the share of materials accepted this year was 63%, and the share of rejected ones was 37%, with 24% rejected immediately, and 13% after review.
Basically, immediate rejection was due to violation of the requirements of the Author Guidelines for the quality and design of materials, which has not changed since 2020. The editorial board’s uncompromising position towards authors who are careless about the requirements or submit texts of an inappropriate level has been and remains unchanged. We do not consider it our task to educate young authors in the spirit of scientific integrity and responsibility, leaving this to their scientific supervisors. We see our task in the selection and regular publication of high-quality scientific works.
In 2024, the journal published works in a variety of research areas. The largest number of works was contained in the “Digital Economy” section (11), followed by “Education in the Information Society” (10). Eight articles were located in the “Information Society and Mass Media” and “Information Society Technologies” sections, seven each in the “Human in the Information Society” and “Information Society and Law” sections. An article appeared in the “Sports and Tourism in the Information Society” section, and the “Information, Consulting, Advertising” section was returned. Unfortunately, the “Leaders of the Information Society” section was again left without content. The remaining sections published 3-5 articles.
The number of our authors was 151, and this is also a record. Most of them naturally represented Russia, and the geographical coverage was very broad: 24 regions. There were 74 Muscovites among our authors, 9 researchers from St. Petersburg, 6 from Nalchik and Tambov each, 5 from Kemerovo and Tyumen each, 4 from Kaliningrad and Saransk each, 3 from Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm each, 2 from Kazan and Sevastopol each, 1 from Balashikha, Vologda, Voronezh, Donetsk, Yekaterinburg, Lipetsk, Petrozavodsk, Ryazan, Samara, Smolensk and Tolyatti each. Three authors were from China, two from Azerbaijan.
Among the 2024 authors was a full member of the Russian Academy of Education, 43 doctors of science, 65 candidates of science. 22 authors of this year’s articles have the academic title of professor, 43 have the academic title of associate professor. The author teams also included 20 specialists without an academic degree, 16 postgraduate students, 6 masters and five students. Three members of the Editorial Board of the journal published their articles this year.
It is gratifying to note that we have achieved good results during the outgoing year. Therefore, on the eve of the new year, on behalf of the entire editorial board, I would like to sincerely thank our authors, reviewers and readers for their cooperation and interest in our journal and wish everyone good health, personal happiness and success in all endeavors.
Yuri Hohlov is awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Moscow City Duma for his services to the city community
On December 20, 2024, the Moscow City Duma hosted a ceremony to present honorary awards from the capital’s parliament to Muscovites and organizations that made a significant contribution to the development of the city. The awards were presented by Moscow City Duma Chairman Alexey Shaposhnikov and Moscow City Duma Deputy Chairman Stepan Orlov. Among those awarded was Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Information Society.
Yuri Evgenievich Hohlov was born in the village of Berestovoye in the Donetsk region in 1954. He graduated from school in the village of Borovskoye in the Luhansk region. He graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Kazan State University in 1976. The beginning of his career is associated with Kazan State University, Donetsk State University, the Mittag-Leffler Institute of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Institute of Technology, the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. From 1982 to 1988, Yu. E. Khokhlov led a team of creators of a software package that simulated the development of large gas fields in Western Siberia. In the early 1990s, he became one of the founders of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). Under his leadership, the RFBR information system was created, which was also used by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation.
In 1994-95, Yu. E. Hohlov took an active part in the formation and implementation of the interdepartmental program “Scientific Network of Computer Telecommunications for Science and Higher Education” (Ministry of Science, Ministry of Education, Russian Academy of Sciences, RFBR). In 1996-97, under his leadership, a program for the implementation of information technologies in the Russian State Library was developed, where he worked as deputy director. In 1999-2000, he was one of the ideologists and developers of the interdepartmental program for electronic libraries for 10 ministries and departments of Russia.
In 1996, Yuri Hohlov began to actively engage in the problems of developing the information society. Together with a number of leading experts in the field of telecommunications, computer science, information policy, librarianship, high-performance computing and education, he created the Institute of the Information Society (IIS) in 1998 — the first independent research and service organization in the country professionally engaged in ICT4D problems. He is the permanent Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute.
From 2009 to 2020, he was the Head, and is currently the Academic Director of the Department of Information Society Development at MESI, now the IIS Basic Department of Digital Economy at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
In 2012-2014, he worked at AFK Sistema as an investment director, and in 2013-2014, he was also the President of VAO Intourist. At the same time, he remained the Chairman of the Board of Directors of IIS.
It is necessary to note the great personal contribution of Yu. E. Hohlov to the development of the information society in Moscow.
From April 1998 to December 2001, he was the chairman of the public expert council of the Moscow City Duma in the direction of “Information, informatization, communications, telecommunications and television”, from April 2002 he headed the public expert council of the Moscow City Duma for the development of the information society.
On the initiative and with the participation of Yu. E. Hohlov, in 2000-2001 the Concept of Moscow’s movement towards an information society was developed (approved by the Mayor of Moscow in July 2001). On the initiative and with the active participation of Yu. E. Hohlov, the Law of the City of Moscow No. 52 “On Information Resources and Informatization of the City of Moscow” was developed and adopted by the Moscow City Duma on October 24, 2001.
In 2000, a methodological basis for the integration of Moscow’s information systems was developed under the leadership of Yu. E. Hohlov. In 2001, proposals were developed for the legal regulation of the activities of the Moscow Electronic Trading System “Mosgortorg” for the purchase (sale) of goods and services for state needs. In 2001-2002, a draft city target program “Comprehensive Program for Moscow’s Movement Toward an Information Society” (“Electronic Moscow”) was developed under the leadership of Yu. E. Hohlov.
Also, the outstanding knowledge and experience of Yu. E. Hohlov served the development of the information society at the national level.
In 1999-2000, he took part in the preparation of the concept of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Russia, and in 2007 – the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation. In 2000-2010, Yu. E. Hohlov actively participated in the implementation of the Russian Development Gateway project, and was the project’s technology coordinator. From 2001 to 2012, he served as the Chairman of the Expert Council and was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Partnership for the Development of the Information Society in Russia. In 2002-2010, he was the Chairman of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation for regional competitions of the Federal Targeted Program “Electronic Russia”, and also Deputy Chairman of the Competition Commission of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia’s competition “The Best Region in the Sphere of ICT”. In 2009-2012 was deputy head of the expert advisory group of the Presidential Council for the Development of the Information Society.
In 2014-2018, he was a member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2017, he took an active part in the development of the Digital Economy program for the Russian Federation. From 2018 to the present, he is a member of the Digital Transformation Council and a member of the Digital Public Administration and Artificial Intelligence working groups of the Digital Economy ANO. He took part in the development and updating of the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030 and the federal project Artificial Intelligence as part of the national program Digital Economy of the Russian Federation. Since 2019, he was a member of the working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation “Communications, Communications, Digital Economy”, and after its transformation, since 2023, he has been a member of the State Council of the Russian Federation Commission in the direction of “Communications, Communications, Digital Economy”.
From 2022 to the present, he is the Chairman of the Expert Council of the event “Ensuring citizens to receive additional professional education in the field of artificial intelligence and in related fields using the mechanism of personal digital certificates”, and since 2024, a member of the Expert Council for a unified program of exploratory research in the field of artificial intelligence.
Yu. E. Hohlov enjoys great authority among his foreign colleagues and participated at a high level in international activities to develop the information society. In 1997, he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the World Bank infoDev Program project “Development of a National Dialogue on Telecommunications Policy in Russia”. In 1999-2001, Yu. E. Hohlov was the Chairman of the Information Technology Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Information Institutions (IFLA). He was also a member of the International Jury of the Bangemann Global Challenge (1999) and the Stockholm Challenge (2000-2005), a member of the Supervisory Board of the European project “DELOS — Network of Electronic Libraries”, and a member of the Presidium of the Virtual University of Europe and Central Asia. In addition, in 2002-2005 Yu. E. Hohlov was the coordinator of the Regional Network for Europe and Central Asia of the UN ICT Task Force.
In the period 2008-2012, Yu. E. Hohlov was a member of the expert council “Future of Government” of the World Economic Forum, and in 2010-2017 – the coordinator of the UN Economic and Social Council in the C7 “Electronic Government” direction of the action plan for the implementation of the decisions of the World Summit on the Information Society.
Yu. E. Hohlov was also an independent director and a member of the board of directors of the Infocommunication holding “Zerde” (Kazakhstan) and Intracom Telecom (Greece).
In 2000, Yu. E. Hohlov became a corresponding member of the Russian Engineering Academy, and in 2004 he was elected an academician in the section “Information systems, computing and electronic engineering, communications and telecommunications”.
Yu. E. Hohlov is the author of several monographs and textbooks, as well as more than 200 articles in scientific journals and the media.
The entire IIS team wholeheartedly congratulates its leader on the well-deserved award and wishes him health, personal happiness and professional longevity for the benefit of Moscow and all of Russia!
Yuri Hohlov participated in the discussion of sustainable development trends at VolSU
A session entitled “Digitalization of management systems as a basis for sustainable development trends” was held at Volgograd State University as part of the International Forum “World Quality Day in Russia”. The event was timed to coincide with the International Quality Day.
The business events of the forum, supported by Roskachestvo, emphasized the importance of management systems in the process of continuously improving the quality of products and services for the sustainable development of society and the state. The International Forum “World Quality Day – 2024” is not only a discussion platform for exchanging experience, but also an opportunity to establish direct contacts between business representatives and government authorities.
The session moderator, First Vice-Rector of VolSU Valentin Dzedik noted that the International Forum “World Quality Day” is held annually and expressed gratitude to the partners of the event.
Digitalization, management, sustainable development are relevant areas in which VolSU conducts fundamental and applied research, Valentin Dzedik emphasized.
Yuri Hohlov, full member of the Russian Engineering Academy and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Information Society, delivered a report and presentation “Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development of an Organization: the Role of Standards” at the session remotely.
Sergey Brilev, President of the Global Energy Association, TV presenter, and Honorary Professor of VolSU, spoke about the results of the activities of the Global Energy Association for the Development of International Research and Projects in the Field of Energy, and emphasized the possibility of VolSU scientists becoming award candidates. Mikhail Pivovarov, Director of the Volgograd CSM Federal State Budgetary Institution, developed the topic of digital metrology, spoke about the results and prospects of the Volgograd CSM, highlighting such a significant challenge for the digital transformation of metrology as the problem of an acute shortage of metrological personnel.
Anastasia Demidova, an expert at the Volgograd branch of the Russian Register Certification Association, provided a detailed description of the process of using artificial intelligence technologies to audit management systems. Head of the R&D Support Department of the Science, Innovation and Research Personnel Training Department of VolSU, Junior Researcher of the Department of SEFM of Volgograd State University Maria Chesheva spoke about the ESG 365 rating used to assess the sustainability of a company, the criteria of which include environmental friendliness (E), social responsibility (S) and corporate governance (G).
At the session, experts discussed issues of sustainable development in the economy and society, digital standards and tools in quality management, digital metrology coupled with the digitalization of management systems, as well as ESG platforms and features of an artificial auditor. Students of the new VolSU program, “Quality Management. Standardization, Metrology and Digital Management of Systems and Technologies”, who attended the session received useful information and asked their questions to the speakers.
Such events create unique opportunities for a joint search for solutions to issues of digital transformation and sustainable development of companies, contribute to the search for answers to modern challenges, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Analysis of existing problems and development of effective solutions improve the quality of business processes and popularize sustainable development practices among young people and students. Thus, with the interaction of the scientific community and the real sector of the economy, with the support of government agencies, vectors of innovative development of the Russian economy are born.
The fifth issue of the Information Society journal for 2024 has been published
Please meet the fifth issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2024. The main theme of the issue is Digital instruments for managing the economy and society. The articles in this issue cover, among others, the following topics:
The impact of human capital on the development of Russian regions The image of a political leader in the space of network communication Development trajectories of urban metauniverses Information tools of a university lecturer Medical robotics as a tool for modernizing the healthcare system Countering information manipulations on the Internet Native advertising in a media convergent network environment Use of ICT by households and the population AI for assessing damage from natural and man-made disasters Innovative technologies for development in the Middle East
In her address to readers “Data, information, knowledge, wisdom,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:
On September 9 this year, at the International Forum “Kazan Digital Week – 2024”, the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia Maksut Shadayev spoke about the priorities of the national project “Data Economy and Digital Transformation of the State”. These priorities are formulated in the following areas: Internet and communications, government services, support for IT projects, development of promising technologies, cybersecurity, IT education.
This project will replace the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”, which ends in 2024, and is aimed at achieving the national goal “Digital transformation of state and municipal administration, economy and social sphere”, formulated in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2024 No. 309 “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation”.
Russian President V. Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly outlined some parameters of the new project: “By 2030, it is necessary to build digital platforms in key sectors of the economy and social sphere.” Its implementation should contribute to an increase in investment in domestic information technologies so that their growth rates are at least twice as high as the growth of the gross domestic product.
Following the logic of the implementation of national projects, the activities of the new project will be carried out within the framework of the state program “Information Society”, implemented since 2010 and aimed at achieving the goals of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation and other strategic planning documents.
It is hoped that the national project “Data Economy” will be aimed at achieving the goals of socio-economic development. After all, data is just a base layer, a raw material that in itself means not so much. No technology and no infrastructure will turn them into useful information, valuable knowledge and invaluable wisdom. This is why the pyramid must be turned upside down: first, wisely formulate the most important things that we should strive for at home and on a global scale; then, with knowledge of the matter, outline the effects that must be achieved to improve the lives of the people and strengthen Russia’s position in the world; after that figure out what information and what technologies can help with this, and based on this, determine what data needs to be collected and how to use it to develop different areas of activity. And based on all mentioned, create the necessary infrastructure that will help do this in the most effective way.
And then the circle will close: data will turn into information, information – into new knowledge, and knowledge, in turn, will make us wiser and our lives – better. In the meantime, the enormous efforts towards automation, electronization, informatization, digitalization, and now “datafication”, which have been undertaken for many decades, seem more like attempts to fit into fashionable agendas.
Yuri Hohlov commented on the problems of access to YouTube
On September 5, 2024, the chairman of IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov answered questions from a Novye Izvestia correspondent regarding the problems of access to YouTube resources.
I do not understand what this is about from a legal point of view. In this case, no one has made a legal decision to block (or slow down) traffic in relation to the YouTube platform. In our country, such actions are taken only by court order. Therefore, no one can demand to slow down or speed up traffic to this or that resource. If we talk specifically about YouTube, then our national operator Rostelecom warned back in mid-July 2024 about a serious overload of Google equipment designed to cache video hosting content. And that this affects the download speed and quality of playback of YouTube videos.
What will happen to YouTube if the equipment degradation continues? As in other cases, users (albeit not immediately) will go to other platforms. Have you visited Rambler lately? There was a time when it was the number one portal in the Russian segment of the World Wide Web, successfully competing with Yandex. Or LiveJournal, which was quite popular until competitors with more convenient services appeared, and now only devoted fans remain on LiveJournal. As soon as web sites cease to be convenient for the user, he goes to where he is offered the best conditions. If there is poor access to YouTube in the Russian segment of the World Wide Web, the user will go to Rutube or VK Video. Only enthusiasts or those who are attached to YouTube will remain.
The Institute of the Information Society turned 26 years old
On September 7, 2023, the Institute of the Information Society celebrated its 26th anniversary.
The area of professional activity of IIS is research, analytics and consulting, legislative, publishing and educational activities on a wide range of problems of information society and knowledge economy, as well as R&D and system integration in the field of creating modern information technologies, including design and implementation of different ICT solutions from the infrastructure level to the level of applied expert systems.
The institute’s customers are federal and regional authorities, federal scientific foundations, large commercial companies, state unitary enterprises, state institutions, universities, research institutes (including the RAS systems), non-profit organizations, international organizations.
The IIS achievements list includes a number of major projects: conceptual and methodological documents of national and international significance; projects for the development, implementation and examination of projects related to the electronic development of Russian regions; analytical reports on the readiness of Russia and its regions for the information society, which have been published regularly since 2001.
In total, the Institute has held more than a hundred events at the regional, national and international levels, published over 30 books on a range of problems of the information society.
Since 1999, the Institute, together with the Russian Engineering Academy, has been the publisher of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society”, the only publication in Russia that comprehensively and systematically covers the problems of the information society development. In 2010, the journal was included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and in 2015 it confirmed its status. Also, in 2015, the journal was included in the Russian Science Citation Index on the Web of Science platform.
Leading experts of the institute have participated in the implementation of a number of initiatives promoting the use of ICT for comprehensive development in Russia, in particular: Public Expert Council of the Moscow City Duma in the direction of “Information, Informatization, Communications, Telecommunications and Television” (1998-2001), then transformed into the Public Expert Council of the Moscow City Duma on the Development of the Information Society (2002-2006); Council under the President of Russia for the Development of the Information Society (2009-2012); expert council under the Government of the Russian Federation (2014-2018); Council for Digital Transformation of ANO “Digital Economy”; the working groups of ANO “Digital Economy” on digital governance and artificial intelligence; subcommittee “Data” (PC 02) as part of the Technical Committee for Standardization “Artificial Intelligence” (TC 164) on the basis of RVC, etc.
Institute leaders at the highest expert level participated in international initiatives, including The Global Bangemann Challenge (1998-1999), then converted to the Stockholm Challenge (2000-2010); Global Junior Challenge (1999-2009); The Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force) (2000-2001); UN ICT Task Force (2002-2005); Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID) (2006-2012); WSIS Action Line C7 e-Government of the action plan for the implementation of the decisions of the World Summit on the Information Society (2012-2017); Working Group on the Measurement and Evaluation Tool for E-Participation Readiness (METEP), formed by the Division of Governance and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2013-2015), etc. The Institute today employs people of various specialties, ages and nationalities. They constitute a powerful intellectual and creative union of like-minded people, thanks to which the Institute was able to overcome all difficulties and become a recognized “expert of the first choice”, an independent leader of Russia in the development of the information society.
We congratulate all IIS employees and partners on the 26th anniversary of the company and wish you all good health, good mood and enduring faith in success!
The fourth issue of the Information Society journal for 2024 has been published
Please meet the fourth issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2024. The main theme of the issue is Large-scale dissemination of digital technologies. The articles in this issue cover the following topics:
Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence Digital communications and the modern young generation Business modeling of media Media consumption among the youth of Donbass Legal restrictions on the use of AI technologies Regulation of the quantum communications industry Technological solutions in oil and gas production and the agro-food sector Technological capabilities of tax administration Application of modern digital technologies in insurance Features of the information society in Tanzania
In her address to readers “Technology: burden and benefit,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:
“It is a mistake to think that technological innovations have a one-sided effect. All technology is both a burden and a blessing: never either-or, but always both.”
These are certainly true words by Neil Postman, an American writer, educator, media theorist, and cultural critic, the author of eighteen books, including Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology (1992), The Vanishing of Childhood (1994), and The End of Education: Reassessing the School System (1995). As a humanist, Postman believed that “new technologies can never replace human values.
His media theory was influenced by the French philosopher and sociologist Jacques Ellul and the Canadian sociologist and philosopher Herbert Marshall McLuhan, whose works I studied with interest 17 years ago while working on the book The Information Society Is Us!
So Ellul surprised me a lot by considering it useless to differentiate technology from its use, because technology generates specific social and psychological effects that do not depend on people’s desires. Therefore, he said, there should be no place for moral considerations in the process of using technology. That’s it, no more, no less! However, some time later he turned to neoconservatism and even began to advocate curbing technical progress. He already considered the technical system a means of oppression and called it one of the factors of human alienation. In his last works, the scientist returned to liberal positions and even went so far as to say that the information society, being “the implementation of ideas of a socialist, anarchist and pacifist nature”, generally presupposes the liquidation of the state, which he called bureaucratic. Such vacillations took place in his life for thirty years.
As for McLuhan, one of his main research topics was connected with the use of technology as a way of expanding human capabilities. Its essence is that the content of any message is inevitably influenced by the technology used to disseminate it. He argued that the emergence of technology brings significant changes to human communication with the outside world (both natural and social) and reorganizes their way of perceiving the world and their way of life. He viewed technology as an extension of the human body and believed that it eventually separates from the human and gains power over him, acquires its own (far from human) logic and imposes this logic on man, whether he wants it or not. In the face of this alienated technological infrastructure, the human turns out to be a weak and dependent creature, with a strange optimism losing himself, like Narcissus, paralyzed by his reflection in the water.
Returning to the quote by Neil Postman, let us not forget about the complex nature of human use of technology. This “double-edged sword” will always remain in the center of attention of researchers. And our authors are no exception. Today, one of the most popular topics among our authors is artificial intelligence with its enormous possibilities and inevitable dangers. But when forming our editorial portfolio, we try to achieve a balance of topics and different points of view.
Yuri Hohlov and Alexander Katin took part in the extended meeting of the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 164 “Artificial Intelligence”
On August 29, 2024, the VII Extended Meeting of the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 164 “Artificial Intelligence” was held.
The event was held in a hybrid format at the HSE. The participants of the event were representatives of TC 164 member organizations and interested organizations, specialized federal executive authorities, as well as related technical committees for standardization.
The following representatives spoke at the meeting:
Sergey Garbuk, Chairman of TC 164
On the main results, tasks and problematic issues of TC 164
On the implementation of decisions of the VI Extended Meeting of TC 164
On the proposals of TC 164 for the National Standardization Program for 2025
Maria Penkova, Executive Secretary of TC 164
On the results of TC 164 for the first half of 2024
On achieving the results planned within the framework of the federal project “Artificial Intelligence” in terms of creating a set of national standards in the field of AI
On amendments to the composition of TC 164
Anton Vladzimirsky, Deputy Chairman of PC01/TC 164
On the results of the activities and work plans of PC01 “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare”
Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of PC02/TC 164, Chairman of IIS Board of Directors
On the results of the activities and work plans of PC02 “Data”
Elena Fedoseenkova, executive secretary of PC03/TK164
On the results of the activities and work plans of PC03 “Artificial intelligence in the road transport complex”
Agop Khatlamadzhiyan, deputy general director of JSC “NIIAS”
On the creation of a subcommittee on “Artificial intelligence in railway transport” on the basis of the organization
The heads of working groups in the field of applying artificial intelligence in crime investigation (A.A. Bessonov), in education (V.A. Dzedik), in industry (E.B. Shantayev), in agriculture (Z.A. Godzhayev), in urban electric transport (D.G. Plotnikov) also made reports at the meeting.
Following the results of the VII Extended Meeting of TC 164, the following decisions were made:
The activities of TC 164 during the reporting period are recognized as satisfactory
Recommend that the Working Groups continue their activities, paying particular attention to coordinating proposals (“industry roadmaps” for AI standardization) with government regulators in the relevant areas of activity and related TCs on standardization
Approve the consolidated proposals of TC 164 in the National Standardization Program for 2025
Approve the inclusion of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics named after acad. Zababakhin, JSC NIIAS, Ar Soft LLC
Support the proposal of JSC NIIAS to create a subcommittee PC04 “Artificial Intelligence in Railway Transport” with the assignment of functions for maintaining the secretariat of PC04 to JSC NIIAS
Recommend that the secretariat of TC 164 contact the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation with a proposal to consider the possibility of taking into account in the federal project “Artificial Intelligence” works related to the development of standardization and conformity assessment systems in the field of artificial intelligence
Recommend that the secretariat of TC 164 consider the possibility of forming a register of scientific publications that facilitate the implementation of national standards of TC 164, and make it publicly available on the website
Recommend that the secretariat of TC 164, together with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), plan a number of events dedicated to the issues of standardization of processes for the development and application of artificial intelligence systems, with the participation of the heads of the relevant Working Groups of the secretariat of TC 164 and interested specialized organizations that are part of the RSPP
The meeting was also attended by IIS General Director Alexander Katin.