Category: Information Society Journal


The fourth issue of the Information Society journal for 2024 has been published

Please meet the fourth issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2024. The main theme of the issue is Large-scale dissemination of digital technologies. The articles in this issue cover the following topics:

Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence
Digital communications and the modern young generation
Business modeling of media
Media consumption among the youth of Donbass
Legal restrictions on the use of AI technologies
Regulation of the quantum communications industry
Technological solutions in oil and gas production and the agro-food sector
Technological capabilities of tax administration
Application of modern digital technologies in insurance
Features of the information society in Tanzania

In her address to readers “Technology: burden and benefit,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:

“It is a mistake to think that technological innovations have a one-sided effect. All technology is both a burden and a blessing: never either-or, but always both.”

These are certainly true words by Neil Postman, an American writer, educator, media theorist, and cultural critic, the author of eighteen books, including Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology (1992), The Vanishing of Childhood (1994), and The End of Education: Reassessing the School System (1995). As a humanist, Postman believed that “new technologies can never replace human values.

His media theory was influenced by the French philosopher and sociologist Jacques Ellul and the Canadian sociologist and philosopher Herbert Marshall McLuhan, whose works I studied with interest 17 years ago while working on the book The Information Society Is Us!

So Ellul surprised me a lot by considering it useless to differentiate technology from its use, because technology generates specific social and psychological effects that do not depend on people’s desires. Therefore, he said, there should be no place for moral considerations in the process of using technology. That’s it, no more, no less! However, some time later he turned to neoconservatism and even began to advocate curbing technical progress. He already considered the technical system a means of oppression and called it one of the factors of human alienation. In his last works, the scientist returned to liberal positions and even went so far as to say that the information society, being “the implementation of ideas of a socialist, anarchist and pacifist nature”, generally presupposes the liquidation of the state, which he called bureaucratic. Such vacillations took place in his life for thirty years.

As for McLuhan, one of his main research topics was connected with the use of technology as a way of expanding human capabilities. Its essence is that the content of any message is inevitably influenced by the technology used to disseminate it. He argued that the emergence of technology brings significant changes to human communication with the outside world (both natural and social) and reorganizes their way of perceiving the world and their way of life. He viewed technology as an extension of the human body and believed that it eventually separates from the human and gains power over him, acquires its own (far from human) logic and imposes this logic on man, whether he wants it or not. In the face of this alienated technological infrastructure, the human turns out to be a weak and dependent creature, with a strange optimism losing himself, like Narcissus, paralyzed by his reflection in the water.

Returning to the quote by Neil Postman, let us not forget about the complex nature of human use of technology. This “double-edged sword” will always remain in the center of attention of researchers. And our authors are no exception. Today, one of the most popular topics among our authors is artificial intelligence with its enormous possibilities and inevitable dangers. But when forming our editorial portfolio, we try to achieve a balance of topics and different points of view.


The third issue of the Information Society journal for 2024 has been published

Please meet the third issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2024. The main theme of the issue is Life in digital: what’s new.

Information war and changing the old world order
Remote investment entrepreneurship
Business models of enterprises in digital economy
Difference between traditional and digital protectionism
Intellectual migration in Azerbaijan
Legal regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles
Media activity of military universities
Machine translation based on multi-agent neurocognitive architectures
ICT for proactive and anticipatory management
Interoperability of information systems

In her address to readers “Open science as a global public good,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:

“Russians have an openness of spirit,” wrote philosopher and sociologist Nikolai Berdyaev, the author of the original concept of the philosophy of freedom, in his collection “The Fate of Russia” (1914-1917). And this is truly so. This is why Russia immediately supported the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.

In the foreword to last year’s report “Open science outlook 1: status and trends around the world” Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay noted: “…… More than ever, we need science – science that is open and collaborative, and therefore effective. However, despite the potential of the open science model, it is far from widespread. We can and must go further. We must make scientific results, processes and methods accessible. We must democratize science. <…> We must bring about a cultural shift, to ensure that open science is no longer the exception, but the rule.”

Our editorial board and the Institute of the Information Society, where we have been working for 25 years, have always professed the principle of openness of scientific research. We publish articles in the journal completely free of charge for authors and, from 2020, also for readers. Since that time, we have been distributing our authors’ works under the terms of the open international license Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – ShareAlike 4.0 International; CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This means that you can freely share (exchange) – copy and distribute journal materials on any medium and in any format; adapt (create derivative materials) – remix, modify, and create new things based on this material. In this case, the following simple rules must be observed: indicate authorship, do not use the material for commercial purposes, and when creating a derivative material, distribute it under the terms of the same license.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, citing analysis data from the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, notes that Russia’s contribution to the global number of publications indexed in the Scopus database doubled from 2010 to 2019, which allowed Russia to move to 7th place in the global ranking. But in 2022, due to the worsening geopolitical situation, the participation of Russian scientists in a number of international scientific projects was suspended. The number of publications in indexed scientific publications has noticeably decreased, and Russia’s share in the global flow of publications has fallen to 3%. Thus, before our eyes, politicking is becoming the cause of the destruction of scientific ties and causing irreparable damage to world science, torpedoing the free exchange of scientific ideas.

According to the Director-General of UNESCO, for open science to realize its full potential, it must become global public good. However, until the desire for “hegemony”, which has given rise to harmful discrimination against Russia and other countries defending their sovereignty, is not stopped, open science will remain only a beautiful metaphor. And although we are currently going through difficult times, we remain confident that collaboration between scientists around the world will not only continue, but will soon flourish. In the meantime, we are guided by the principle “Do what you must, and come what may.”


The second issue of the Information Society journal for 2024 has been published

The second issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2024 has been published.

The main theme of the issue is Digital social innovation.

Co-authorship of a scientist with artificial intelligence
Creation of artificial general intelligence
The importance of human capital under sanctions
Global digital currency in the digital economy
Strategies for speech behavior in the digital environment
Artificial Intelligence in educational systems
Archival heuristics in the information society
Information and psychological violence and criminal law
Promoting images of Russian parties on YouTube
Approaches to controlling a group of robots

In her address to readers “The heroism of scientists is our historical heritage,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatyana Ershova wrote:

The second issue of our journal is always published on the eve of Victory Day, and at this time a parade rehearsal is usually held. The power of our military equipment evokes pride, but no less admiration is generated by a reverent attitude towards the memory of the heroic past of our people. This is of particular value against the backdrop of attempts by the so-called collective West to rewrite history, to appropriate the merits of Soviet soldiers, to turn inside out the values ​​for which millions of fighters against Nazism died.

These days, one cannot help but remember the people of science who took up arms at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Many employees of scientific institutions of the USSR applied to join the ranks of the people’s militia. Many of them died. Their memory is immortalized by a memorial plaque, which is located next to the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2011, giving an interview to, front-line soldier, chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Evgeny Petrovich Chelyshev said: “For us, this plaque is a continuation of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – the Tomb of the Unknown Scientist.”

The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences came up with an excellent initiative in February 2024: the archives of the Victory Museum included biographies of almost 200 employees, teachers and students of the institute who, during the war years at the front or in the rear, brought Victory closer. Thus, a special section appeared in the national historical project “Faces of Victory”.

The national historical project “Faces of Victory” was launched on the initiative of the Victory Museum on December 3, 2019. Designed to store more than 150 million biographical materials, the project opened up the opportunity for everyone to perpetuate the memory of the contribution of their relatives – home front workers and front-line soldiers – to the defeat of Nazism and transfer family stories about them for eternal storage to the Victory Museum.

I would like to hope that the initiative of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences will be accepted by other scientific organizations throughout the country, and the chronicle of the heroism of our fellow scientists will be constantly updated.

The “Faces of Victory” project has a section “Scientific Regiment”, which I wrote about in the preface to the previous issue of the journal. It is dedicated to the contribution of scientists to the defeat of the enemy and clearly demonstrates that we have many people to be proud of: great scientists who made every effort to strengthen the military power of the country, achieved success in various fields, and also sacrificed their lives to protect the Motherland.

Purely civilian applications of artificial intelligence, which are the subject of a number of articles in this issue, can find application in the control of unmanned aircraft and autonomous uninhabited underwater systems, precision weapons, on-board equipment controls and even troops. This is how modern Russian researchers contribute to the fight against neo-Nazism. Taking this opportunity, I congratulate our authors and readers on the upcoming Victory Day and wish everyone good health, optimism and new productive ideas.

The full contents of the issue are available on the magazine’s digital platform.


The third issue of the journal “Information Society” for 2023 has been published

The third issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2023 has been published.

The main theme of the release is “Interaction of human and technology”. It is revealed in 13 articles devoted to the following:
Again, about the essence of the information society
Existential landscape of human-machine interaction
Hate speech on social media
Digitalization of Russian regions and interregional cooperation
Cryptocurrencies as a new form of money
Telecommunication market today
Standardization of data technologies for AI
Crop protection robots
Digital transformation in China
Use of quantum technologies in the USA

In her address to readers, the editor-in-chief of the magazine Tatiana Ershova wrote:

The first article in this issue, written by MSU professor Tamara Naumenko, examines the paradigm foundations of the information society theory. This made me remember the very beginning of our activities to promote the development of the information society in Russia at the end of the last century or, if you like, the millennium. We wondered why seemingly reasonable people resisted it so much. But over the years, things have become clearer.

Our opponents were patriotic people. It was exactly what puzzled us: don’t we want Russia’s good, don’t we want its powerful development? It was very difficult to prove that we were not eager to sell our country out to the West. It was necessary to explain long and hard that no one can build a modern economy without the use of new technologies. And since, due to wrong decisions, we have missed the opportunity to independently create technologies and equipment on a par with the West, why not to use what we already have and what we can buy for our own purposes? Of course, in parallel it was possible and necessary to create our own technologies, and on a serious scale. And those who called for the information society were certainly not responsible for the fact that this did not happen.

It is surprising that people did not believe us for a long time and stubbornly could not understand that we are in the same system of values with them, that we are carriers of the same paradigm, if the latter is understood in a broad sense as a worldview, or way of thinking. We actively participated in the most prestigious international events and projects in order to keep abreast of everything most interesting and useful, and then we came home and tried to promote the most advanced experience in our country, taking into account its peculiarities. We also organized major events in Russia: the annual conference “Information Society Technologies”, “Tver Forum”, as well as many round tables and seminars, to which we invited well-known Russian and foreign experts, true leaders of the information society.

One of such events was the international conference “Global Knowledge – Russia. Partner Networks as Instruments for the Development of the Information Society and the Knowledge Economy”, which took place in Moscow on December 9, 2002. It brought together more than 100 representatives of the state, business, civil society, the scientific and educational community from 19 countries of the world. Here, for the first time, the preparation of the national strategy “Russia in the Information Age” was announced, about which the First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization A.V. Korotkov (blessed memory of him), spoke in detail. A document under this title was not approved, however, but as a result of its discussion, a certain new concept of “informational development of the country” arose. The next version of the document, called the “National Strategy for Informational Development”, already set “advanced informational development” as a major task.

On February 7, 2008, the long epic ended: thanks to the active support of the Security Council, the Presidential Decree approved the “Information Society Development Strategy”, which fully took into account Russia’s national interests. Common sense finally prevailed, and a lot of ICT4D work began countrywide. It actively continues to this day, only now with an emphasis on the use of digital technologies.


The second issue of the journal “Information Society” for 2023 has been published

The second issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2023 has been published. In her address to readers, the editor-in-chief of the magazine Tatyana Ershova wrote:

I love old proverbs – even ours, Russians, even any other people. This is truly a mirror of deep folk wisdom. Take this one: “A good master is the master of money, and a bad one is a servant.” Bravissimo to the author! Whatever you insert into this proverb instead of “money”, everything will be true. For example, “ICT”. Or digital technology. Well, isn’t it?

I remember how, more than twenty years ago, theку was an campaign to “electronize” Russia. At international conferences, we only had time to fend off the nasty questions of foreign well-wishers, why we adopted a federal target program with an impressive budget, but did not bother to conduct an elementary assessment of the country’s readiness for electronic development. But since 1999, we have been hoarse to talk about it at every corner, only no one has listened to us. “Electronic Russia” sounded very fashionable, it was possible to raise good money on this – why think, you need to hammer! But we stubbornly promoted the idea of assessing the electronic readiness not only of the entire country, but also of its regions, and sectors of the economy, and, if necessary, even individual organizations, if they were seriously going to move to a new technological level.

Back in 1996, we did such a thorough job at the Russian State Library before entangling it with wires and filling it with computers. At the same time, mass “informatization” of libraries, schools, museums and other respected institutions began, but only in many of them computers stood and gathered dust, because they simply didn’t know how to use them and were afraid – suddenly you break an expensive thing! The fact that before the delivery of equipment it was necessary to train workers and take care of IT specialists was sometimes forgotten. The main thing was not to fall out of the trend. Of course, this was not the case everywhere, but campaigning, unprofessionalism and self-interest in this matter went off scale.

Since 2001 and until recently, many members of the Editorial Board of our journal have participated in the assessment of readiness for the information society in various aspects under the auspices of a number of organizations, in particular, the Institute of the Information Society, Rosatom State Corporation, ANO “Digital Economy” and others. Many people remember the well-known long-term series of Index of Russian Regions’ E-Readiness by the IIS. And the result of the participation of Russian specialists in the World Bank project in 2017 was the Digital Economy Country Assessment (DECA), which was officially recommended to all G20 countries as the basis for planning the development of the digital economy.

One of the thematic headings of our journal is “Measuring the Information Society”, and we strongly welcome articles on this topic. True, burdened with knowledge and experience in this area, we are very strict in their selection, but the rubric does not stand idle, and this is very pleasing. Today, a comprehensive model for monitoring the development of the information society in the broad sense of the word, including the development of the digital economy and digital transformation, continues to improve and keeps pace with the standardization processes in the development and use of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data processing. All this allows us to hope for a masterly attitude towards these important things in our country. After all, in the current geopolitical situation, we have no other choice.


The fourth issue of the Information Society journal for 2022 has been published

In a traditional address to readers, editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova writes:

“The August heat of 2022 made me remember my favorite poets:

August – asters, August – stars … (Marina Tsvetaeva).

There is something beautiful in summer, and with summer there is something beautiful in us (Sergei Yesenin).

August. Peaches and candied fruits and mowing in honeydew (Federico Garcia Lorca).

That August, like a yellow flame Breaking through the smoke, That August rose above us, Like a fiery seraph (Anna Akhmatova).

The latter turned out to be very relevant: this year, 12 years after the heat of 2010, August again brought us not only warmth and beauty, but also fires. This issue of our journal was made up just in the smoke from the burning Ryazan forests. By evening the wind blew and carried the smoke away from Moscow. This time the capital was not greatly hurt, but from the reports of recent days it became known that it was burning not only in the Ryazan region, but also in other Russian regions: Yakutia, the Komi Republic, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo and others. By the end of August, the area of ​​forest fires in Russia amounted to more than 120,000 hectares. According to Federal Forestry Agency, one of the main causes of fires was a violation of fire safety rules.

Digital technologies, specifically unmanned aerial vehicles, can help to effectively fight fires. Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes: “Experts consider the use of drones to be a truly innovative way to monitor and analyze the forest, aтв also a driver of digitalization of the forest industry.” If in 2020 there were no more than two hundred devices of this kind, then by 2024 more than two thousand UAVs will be used only for the protection of forests from fires. We hope that the production of drones, which are in demand in various areas of the Russian economy, will soon reach the required scale. And our editors are already thinking about a new thematic heading like “Digital Technologies for Life Safety” and filling it with scientific and analytical content. We welcome submissions on this subject.

The current issue is dominated by publications under the headings “Information Society and Law” and “Information Society and Media” (3 articles each), as well as “Education in the Information Society” (2 articles). It is gratifying that such important sections as “Social and Economic Aspects of the Information Society”, “Culture in the Information Society” and “Foreign Experience. The international cooperation” have been also filled by articles. Among our authors there are representatives of Kazan (1), Moscow (11), Nizhny Novgorod (1), Omsk (1), St. Petersburg (2) and Vladimir (1). Of these, 8 have the degree of candidate of science, 4 – doctor of science, two of which have the academic title of professor. We also included in the issue the papers of one PhD student, one Master degree holder and four authors without a degree, which passed the review and the necessary revision.

Since March of this year, there has been a noticeable increase in the flow of materials sent to the Information Society journal. In this regard, we will impose even more stringent requirements for scientific content, literary quality and design of articles.”

All content of the issue is available on the journal’s digital platform.


The last issue of the Information Society journal for 2020 is released

The full version of the 6th issue for 2020, in which 7 articles were published, can be viewed on the journal’s website.

In the past year, we published exactly 50 articles by various authors from Astrakhan, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Nalchik, Novosibirsk, Orel, Perm, Pskov, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Saransk, Stavropol, Tomsk, Yakutsk – we have not yet had such a coverage of Russian territory. We had four foreign researchers from Baku, from the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Among the authors of this year’s articles there were 46 candidates of science and 21 doctors of science. There were also graduate students, specialists without academic degrees, and even students for whom our journal is by no means closed, if they write together with their mentors or send interesting and high-quality independent works.

The most popular topics were “Digital Economy” (8 publications), “Socio-economic aspects of the information society” (6), “Education in the information society” (6), “Information society technologies” (6) and “Information society and the media” (5), which naturally reflected the general situation that influenced our life in 2020. This was followed by the headings “Human in the information society”, “Information society and state power”, “Trust and security in the information society” (3 publications each), followed by “Culture in the information society”, “Science and innovation in the information society”, “Information society and law”, “Measuring the information society” (2 publications each). The topics “Fundamental research in the field of information society” and “Foreign experience. International cooperation” were populated only by one publication each. But the topics “Leaders of the information society”, “Information society: policy and drivers”, “Healthcare in the information society”, “Sports and tourism in the information society” remained empty.

The above statistics suggest that we need to purposefully work with scientists and specialists from different fields of knowledge, especially those that remained uncovered this year. We also plan to work more actively with foreign authors, publishing their works in English. We have already taken the first step on this path in the fifth issue of our journal and we are not going to stop there.


Please meet the fifth issue of the Information Society journal for 2020

In this issue we have posted ten articles by authors from Baku, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg, dedicated to various aspects of digitalization.

This is the impact of digital technologies on the development of international trade (section “Digital Economy”), and a possible strategy for the safe and responsible implementation of artificial intelligence based on a human-centered approach (the section “The Human in the Information Society”), and the creation of the informational and technological basis of Justice of Peace in the region and the use of big data analytics to model the public sector of the future (under the heading “Information Society and State Power”).

The section “Education in the Information Society” examines the problems and prospects for the development of literacy in the field of working with data as one of the basic digital competencies, the use of digital educational technologies during the coronavirus pandemic, and the introduction of digital technologies in military education.

The thematic section “Trust and Security in the Information Society” has been supplemented with interesting material on the use of folklore to identify and prevent the propaganda of crimes and violent acts.

The section “Information Society and Mass Media” contains an article on the transformation of print media in accordance with the business models of the platform economy. And in the section “Measuring the Information Society”, based on the results of market monitoring, the benefits associated with the use of digital technologies in Russian manufacturing enterprises are investigated. For the first time in the history of the journal, we have published an article in English and intend to continue this practice.

All materials of the issue are freely available on the new digital platform of the journal (texts primarily in Russian with English metadata and abstracts).


The third issue of the Information Society journal for 2020 has been published

The third issue of the journal for 2020 has been published. It is completely open to reading on a new digital platform (in Russian, with metadata and abstracts in English).

The article by Inna Andreyanova from Pskov State University shows the key problems and prospects of digital transformation of higher education.

The active introduction of ICT into vocational training provides a mechanism for the digital transformation of the educational system. An article by Anna Rozhkova (Pskov State University) is devoted to the development of digital rights and competences of workers in the regions of Russia; alternative forms of employment (temporary, part-time, distance, e-employment and self-employment) are analyzed.

The work of a group of authors from the Institute for System Analysis of Dmitry Chereshkin, Grigory Roizenson and Vladimir Britkov analyzes artificial intelligence (AI) methods from the point of view of their applicability for risk analysis in socio-economic systems (SES). It is proposed to link SES properties, AI methods, as well as risk measurement methods within the framework of building a unified classification.

In the work of Felix Ereshko, Viktor Medennikov and Vladimir Kulba, a scientific approach to the formation of a unified digital platform of the agro-industrial complex based on an appropriate mathematical model is considered. As part of mathematical modeling of the digital platform of the agro-industrial complex, digital standards were obtained that are common to all sectors of the economy. The proposed unified digital platform and digital standards represent cross-cutting management technologies in the agro-industrial complex.

Andrey Kuznetsov and Elena Nikitina (Perm State Research University) consider some problems of Russian universities in connection with the massive use of information technologies and the transition to the digital economy and information society.

Evgeny Bryndin (Research Center “Natural Informatics”, Novosibirsk) present a work, which shows that the implementation of artificial intelligence by a robot is based on the criterion of preferences for accumulated professional and behavioral creative innovative competences and skills.

And, finally, in the work of Alexei Potemkin (Academy of the Federal Security Service, city of Orel), a neural network architecture is proposed for processing heterogeneous information. The proposed architecture includes separate inputs for textual, graphic, tabular, graph and meta information. An experimental study of the efficiency indicators of the developed architecture for solving the problem of identifying information operations on the Internet is carried out.


The second issue of the Information Society journal for 2020 is published

The second issue of the journal for 2020 has been published. It is completely open to reading on a new digital platform (texts in Russian with English metadata and abstracts).

The work of a group of Moscow authors Tatiana Ershova, Alexander Raikov and Yuri Hohlov is aimed at building a system for monitoring the needs of the real economy in digital technologies and platforms. An approach to formalized needs assessments based on the terminology of the user domain and automated real-time market tracking is proposed. The article by Walfried Treyer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, examines the place and forms of placing digital platforms in the organizational structure of the “digital economy”. Doctor of Economics from Nalchik Gumar Batov explores the peculiarities of the formation and development of the digital infrastructure of the North Caucasus Federal District.

The article by Maxim Yurevich, Natalya Ekimova and Evgeny Balatsky is devoted to the study of new promising trends in economics related to digitalization processes (the use of big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning). Natalia Elchaninova investigates the legal issues of ensuring the security of critical information infrastructure.

The article by Anastasia Dobronravova and Varvara Chumakova discusses the features of media literacy of rural residents of Russia based on data collected in 5 field expeditions to rural areas in 2012-2018 (Kostroma region, Rostov region, Republic of Tatarstan, Irkutsk region, Tambov region).

The article by Yulia Lektorova and Andrey Prudnikov presents the experience of a regional high-tech company, one of the world’s top 100 startups, in the field of communication promotion of an IT product in a highly competitive environment.

The scientific article by Anna Shirokanova and Olesya Volchenko is devoted to the problem of the attitude of residents of European countries to the state monitoring of the public space online and electronic personal correspondence.