The sixth issue of the Information Society Journal for 2024 is published. The main theme of the issue is The Digital Age: A New Experience of Transformation. The articles in this issue cover, among others, the following topics:
Artificial intelligence for decision-making in public administration
Building digital ecosystems of regions
Analytical platforms for studying social and political mobilization
Digital technologies for regulating and controlling migration processes
Formation of an innovative scientific and educational environment
Development trends in the EdTech industry
ICT in a preschool educational institution
Application of artificial intelligence in creative industries
Intelligent system for forecasting the development of the Russian-Belarusian borderland
Features of the photonic path of artificial intelligence development
In her address to readers “Summing up the results of 2024,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:
Following an unshakable tradition, in the final issue of each year we look at the results of editorial activities, present a general picture and draw conclusions. In total, 94 articles were published in 2024. Thus, a new absolute record was set for all 35 years of the journal’s existence. Due to the political events of recent years, which have complicated the participation of Russian researchers in international publishing activities, the influx of materials to our editorial office has increased sharply, which entailed stricter requirements for their submission. As a result, the share of materials accepted this year was 63%, and the share of rejected ones was 37%, with 24% rejected immediately, and 13% after review.
Basically, immediate rejection was due to violation of the requirements of the Author Guidelines for the quality and design of materials, which has not changed since 2020. The editorial board’s uncompromising position towards authors who are careless about the requirements or submit texts of an inappropriate level has been and remains unchanged. We do not consider it our task to educate young authors in the spirit of scientific integrity and responsibility, leaving this to their scientific supervisors. We see our task in the selection and regular publication of high-quality scientific works.
In 2024, the journal published works in a variety of research areas. The largest number of works was contained in the “Digital Economy” section (11), followed by “Education in the Information Society” (10). Eight articles were located in the “Information Society and Mass Media” and “Information Society Technologies” sections, seven each in the “Human in the Information Society” and “Information Society and Law” sections. An article appeared in the “Sports and Tourism in the Information Society” section, and the “Information, Consulting, Advertising” section was returned. Unfortunately, the “Leaders of the Information Society” section was again left without content. The remaining sections published 3-5 articles.
The number of our authors was 151, and this is also a record. Most of them naturally represented Russia, and the geographical coverage was very broad: 24 regions. There were 74 Muscovites among our authors, 9 researchers from St. Petersburg, 6 from Nalchik and Tambov each, 5 from Kemerovo and Tyumen each, 4 from Kaliningrad and Saransk each, 3 from Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm each, 2 from Kazan and Sevastopol each, 1 from Balashikha, Vologda, Voronezh, Donetsk, Yekaterinburg, Lipetsk, Petrozavodsk, Ryazan, Samara, Smolensk and Tolyatti each. Three authors were from China, two from Azerbaijan.
Among the 2024 authors was a full member of the Russian Academy of Education, 43 doctors of science, 65 candidates of science. 22 authors of this year’s articles have the academic title of professor, 43 have the academic title of associate professor. The author teams also included 20 specialists without an academic degree, 16 postgraduate students, 6 masters and five students. Three members of the Editorial Board of the journal published their articles this year.
It is gratifying to note that we have achieved good results during the outgoing year. Therefore, on the eve of the new year, on behalf of the entire editorial board, I would like to sincerely thank our authors, reviewers and readers for their cooperation and interest in our journal and wish everyone good health, personal happiness and success in all endeavors.
The full text of the issue can be found on the journal’s website.