Институт развития информационного общества

The third issue of the Information Society journal for 2022 has been published

On June 30, 2022, the third issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” has been published. In the Editor’s word, Tatiana Ershova writes:

“Today life is so that you involuntarily turn to the sages of antiquity. With Lao Tzu’s thought of sitting calmly on the banks of the river and waiting for you know what, life becomes calmer. The thoughts of this ancient Chinese philosopher, whose historicity, however, some scholars do question, can give a foothold to any person at any time. For example, look at his reasoning “On the accumulation of inner strength” in the treatise “Daodejing”: “Become extremely impartial. Keep calm. All changes will happen on their own. Peace is a return to the essence. Returning to it, you acquire authenticity. Knowing authenticity brings clarity. The person who knows authenticity is perfect. The person who has reached perfection is just.”

Together with our authors, we calmly go our own way and throw coin after coin into the treasury of human knowledge. Readers take these coins and acquire new knowledge on them, which will also go into this bank. Thus, our thin path joins the endless path of human development. Everyone who submits an article to a journal is looking for authenticity in one or another corner of life. For almost 33 years, the journal has been accepting these gifts and giving them to society in the form of a system of knowledge about what information, communication and digital technologies bring with them.

Along with the expansion of the scope of their application, we expand our profile, adding new positions to the list of thematic headings. Not so long ago, we have “Digital Economy”, “Sports and Tourism in the Information Society” and now we are thinking about new ones, for example, “Digital Agriculture”, “Digital Industry”, “Digital Technologies for the Military Industrial Complex”, etc. We very much hope that in the near future a significant number of publications will appear that will help the rapid development of a number of sectors of the real Russian economy.

It is also very important for us to scientifically explore the impact of new phenomena that technologies have brought with them, on society. This is especially true for those related to social networks and artificial intelligence. We will strongly welcome articles on these topics and give them the green light.

In the third issue of 2022, we publish 10 articles by authors from Moscow, Kemerovo and Baku, divided into 9 thematic headings: “Fundamental research in the field of information society”, ” Information society: policy and drivers”, “Social and economic aspects of the information society”, “Digital Economy”, “Education in the information society”, “Culture in the information society”, “Science and innovation in the information society”, “Information society and law”, “Trust and security in the information society”.

Among the authors of this issue there are 4 doctors and 6 candidates of sciences; three of them have the academic title of professor, five of them are associate professors. It is gratifying that experienced researchers are inviting students to the authors’ teams, introducing them to scientific work and instilling a culture of preparing scientific articles. There are three such young co-authors in this issue. We also publish materials by authors without academic degrees if they are of unconditional scientific or practical value. In this issue we have five works of such experts. Also, our site is open to foreign authors writing in English. We set no boundaries for scientists.”

All content of the issue is available on the journal’s digital platform.