Dmitry Semenovich Chereshkin was one of the founders of the Institute of the Information Society. From the very beginning, he greatly influenced the IIS strategy and throughout the entire period of its existence since 1998 has been actively involved in its work. Since 1999, he has invariably been a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” published by our institute and made a huge contribution to its development. All these long years we have been bound by warm and friendly relations.
Dmitry Semenovich was born in 1931. After graduating from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, he received the specialty of an engineer for the automation of radio devices (1956). Then he worked at the Strela Design Bureau, engaged in the design of homing heads for various types of missiles. In the mid-1960s, he worked as a teacher at the Forestry Institute, taught courses on nonlinear automatic systems and automated control systems. Then he worked as Deputy Director for Science of the Main Computer Center of the Ministry of Forestry.
Since 1976 he worked at the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (formerly VNIISI), heading (since 1997) the laboratory for system analysis of informatization processes. He is one of the leading ideologists of the processes of informatization of the Russian society, a responsible executor and scientific supervisor of many research projects of theoretical and applied plans in the field of computerization and automation of large organizational and control systems.
Under his scientific guidance and with direct participation in 1990-2000, the main theoretical and methodological provisions of the strategy of the country’s transition to the information society have been developed, which determined the main directions of the state policy of informatization carried out by the Ministry of Communications of Russia. D.S. Chereshkin made a great contribution to the development of the Concept of State Information Policy, approved by the relevant Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
In 1995, a team headed by prof. Chereshkin developed the Concept of Information Security of the Russian Federation, which formed the conceptual basis of the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation adopted in 2000. He solved complex methodological problems of assessing the effectiveness of information security systems, assessing the risks of information security breaches. The results of these works have received wide recognition and practical implementation in the information security system of the Central Bank of Russia. Prof. Chereshkin’s great achievement is the creation of a new specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission – “Information Security”.
D.S. Chereshkin was directly involved in the formation and functioning of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: he created the section “Informatics and Cybernetics” and became its chairman, and was soon elected vice-president of the Academy. He also was the chairman of the board of National Association of Electronic Commerce Participants.
Besides, he was a member of the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia and the RFBR, in which he took an active part, as well as member of dissertation councils of the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. More than 10 Ph.D. theses were defended under his supervision. He is author of over 250 scientific papers recognized by the scientific community.
Doctor of technical sciences, professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, D.S. Chereshkin is widely known as a prominent specialist in the field of system analysis of information processes. He was a member of the International Group on Information Security in Telecommunications, an expert of the EU Data Protection Committee, and Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council under the Information Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
The IIS team will forever preserve the bright memory of a wonderful person and an outstanding figure in the Russian information society.