Институт развития информационного общества

In Russia, with the participation of IIS, a national standard in the field of big data analytics has been prepared

Within the framework of the project for the standardization of big data, the NTI Competence Center for Big Data, Moscow State University, a national standard in the field of management systems for big data analytics processes has been prepared. The document is a translation of the corresponding ISO standard. Prior to that, a glossary of terms in the field of big data was approved in Russia.

The Technical Committee for Standardization “Artificial Intelligence” (TC-164) has submitted for public discussion the first edition of the standard “Information Technologies. Artificial intelligence. Big Data Analytics Process Management Framework ”. This was reported by representatives of the National Technological Initiative (NTI).

The draft standard was developed by the National Center for Digital Economy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University within the above project and the Institute of the Information Society (IIS). TK-164 was created in 2019 at the initiative of the Russian Venture Company (RVC) with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Rosstandart.

The national standard is a Russian-language adaptation of the developed international standard ISO / IEC 24668 Information technology – Artificial intelligence – Process management framework for big data analytics. The development of the Russian version of the standard was included in the Perspective Standardization Program for the priority direction “Artificial Intelligence” for the period 2021-2024, it was also approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Rosstandart.

The first edition of the national standard describes a comprehensive concept of how to effectively use the capabilities of big data analytics in various services and departments of organizations. It is with the use of big data analytics that the processes of automation, forecasting and decision support are carried out.

The draft standard defines a Big Data Analytics Process Reference Model (BDA PRM) and a Big Data Analytics Process Assessment Model (BDA PAM). The document describes five categories of processes: internal stakeholder processes, competency development processes, data management processes, analytics development processes, and technology integration processes.

The main target audience of the standard are people who implement big data analytics in organizations, as well as specialists in assessing the capabilities of big data analytics, the press service of NTI reported.

“By implementing, developing and evaluating big data analytics processes based on an international standard, organizations will be able to improve decision making, improve customer service, improve response to opportunities and threats, and therefore – reduce the number of errors, increase the efficiency and productivity of their activities, and reduce costs” , – notes the chairman of the subcommittee “Data” (PC 02) as part of TC 164, chairman of IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov.

Globally, the standard will allow the stakeholders to use a single terminological apparatus, increase the dissemination and uniformity of information perception, increase the stability of terminology, create prerequisites for mutual penetration of domestic and world studies in the field of working with big data.

In fact, the proposed version of the national standard is a translation of the revision of the corresponding international standard. “International standardization is overtaking Russian, so it is important to close the gap through translations,” the NTI press service explained. – Translations also make it possible to harmonize international and national standards with each other. Among the developments of the National Center for Digital Economy of Moscow State University there are original standards that take into account Russian activities, but this is not always necessary.”

Earlier, Rosstandart approved GOST “Information Technologies. Big data. Overview and vocabulary”, which is identical to the international standard Information technology – Big data – Overview and vocabulary. The developers were also the National Center for Digital Economy of Moscow State University and IIS. The terms established in this standard are mandatory for use in all types of literature documentation for this scientific and technical industry, included in the field of standardization work and using the results of these works.

“Standardization of artificial intelligence will help to form in the market a unified understanding of what artificial intelligence is and what requirements should be imposed on technology at the stages of development and implementation,” says Pavel Frolov, founder of Robbo. “This is especially important for the segment of intelligent technologies, which represent a “black box” for users: the quality of their work depends on many factors, and the logic of decision-making is not transparent. Development of standard requirements for artificial intelligence will ensure the quality and safety of intelligent systems. “

Frolov adds that the industry is also waiting for a document on standard requirements for artificial intelligence in education – this is provided for by the program for standardizing artificial intelligence for 2021-2024. “Education is an area with increased requirements for the quality and safety of technologies, and standards are necessary in order to make wider use of intelligent technologies in the learning process,” he notes.

Source: CNews