On February 10, 2022, the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference named after A.I. Kitov “Information technologies and mathematical methods in economics and management” (ITaMM) took place at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The conference was dedicated to the memory of Anatoly Ivanovich Kitov, the pioneer of cybernetics, the founder of domestic military informatics and medical informatics, who made a great contribution to the theory and practice of algorithmic programming languages, information retrieval systems, global computer networks and automated control systems (ACS).
ITaMM-2022 was co-organized by the Federal Research Center for Informatics and Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
The main attention of the participants of the event was focused on the urgent problems of the development of the digital economy and digital business. The basic vector of the conference was “The Common Digital Space for Economic Interaction as a Task of Achieving Digital Sovereignty and Subsequently Granting it to Partner Countries” (in the light of the implementation of the Presidential Decree No. 633 of 08.11.2021).
The plenary session of the conference was devoted to the consideration of topical issues of the creation and use of advanced information technologies and mathematical methods in the field of economics, management and education. The main attention of the participants of the event was focused on the current problems of the development of the digital economy and digital business.
The following reports were presented at the plenary session:
- Ivanov Vladimir Viktorovich, corresponding member of RAS, deputy president of RAS – Problems of scientific support of the strategic planning system
- Kitova Olga Viktorovna, doctor of economics, head of the Department of Informatics of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics – Ideas and developments of Academician V.M. Glushkov in the field of strategic planning and management
- Pastukhov Alexander Vladimirovich, general director of JSC Russian Technical Society (co-authors of the report: V.A. Kitov, A.O. Gurdus) – TPFI as a single space for digital information interaction. Background and perspectives
- Hohlov Yuri Evgenievich, full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, chairman of the Board of directors of the Institute of the Information Society – Big data and artificial intelligence for the socio-economic development of Russia
- Koren’kov Vladimir Vasilievich, doctor of technical sciences, professor, director of LIT JINR – Digital platforms for megascience projects and socio-economic applications
- Malinetsky Georgy Gennadievich, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, head of sector of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (co-author: V.S. Smolin) – Short flight. Flight. Got it?
- Poltev Sergey Valerievich, head of Modern ECM Solutions department, Electronic Office Systems Companу – Digital era and electronic document management
Detailed information about the conference can be found on its website. The broadcast of the conference is also available on YouTube.