The full version of the 3rd issue for 2021, in which 9 articles were published, can be viewed on the journal’s website.
The articles were divided into the following thematic headings: “Digital Economy”, “Human in the information society”, “Information society and state power”, “Information society and law”, “Information society technologies”.
Our Russian authors from Moscow, Ekaterinburg and Dubna, as well as authors from the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the United States, investigate the problems of the risks of using cryptocurrencies, the peculiarities of identification in the context of Internet communication, the use of artificial intelligence in public administration, the use of digital technologies to enhance the effectiveness of studying foreign language, features of educational migration in the context of digitalization, problems of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of experimental regulation in the field of digital innovations, theoretical aspects of administrative responsibility for violations of the right to information, the role of information as an object of civil rights, as well as various types of computing in fuzzy sensory systems.
Among the eighteen authors of this issue there are six doctors of sciences, nine candidates of sciences, two graduate students and one applicant. Four authors have the academic title of professor and five – associate professor. Thus, the author’s composition of this issue is one of the most titled in recent years.