A. Uteshev graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) State University in 1984. PhD (1988) and DSc (1998) in Applied Mathematics.
Professor of Saint Petersburg State University (since 1995 to present), head of the department of fundamental informatics and distributed systems.
His scientific interests include constructive (computational) algebra and geometry, error correcting codes, consensus algorithms, voting protocols, optimal facility location.
Prof. Uteshev is lecturing in higher algebra, data processing and coding theory. Co-author of the Coursera online course “Introduction to Data Science’.
He is senior researcher at the Research Department at RAIDIX company (data storage systems).
Alexei Uteshev was the leader of research projects supported by grants from Russian Foundation for Basic Research. He also conducted a research project for Russian Railways.
He is the author and co-author of 60 publications and 2 patents. He was a speaker at more than 30 conferences, including International Mathematical Congress (2006). He develops his own online educational project in Constructive Algebra and its applications in Computer Science.