On August 29, 2024, the VII Extended Meeting of the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 164 “Artificial Intelligence” was held.
The event was held in a hybrid format at the HSE. The participants of the event were representatives of TC 164 member organizations and interested organizations, specialized federal executive authorities, as well as related technical committees for standardization.
The following representatives spoke at the meeting:
Sergey Garbuk, Chairman of TC 164
- On the main results, tasks and problematic issues of TC 164
- On the implementation of decisions of the VI Extended Meeting of TC 164
- On the proposals of TC 164 for the National Standardization Program for 2025
Maria Penkova, Executive Secretary of TC 164
- On the results of TC 164 for the first half of 2024
- On achieving the results planned within the framework of the federal project “Artificial Intelligence” in terms of creating a set of national standards in the field of AI
- On amendments to the composition of TC 164
Anton Vladzimirsky, Deputy Chairman of PC01/TC 164
- On the results of the activities and work plans of PC01 “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare”
Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of PC02/TC 164, Chairman of IIS Board of Directors
- On the results of the activities and work plans of PC02 “Data”
Elena Fedoseenkova, executive secretary of PC03/TK164
- On the results of the activities and work plans of PC03 “Artificial intelligence in the road transport complex”
Agop Khatlamadzhiyan, deputy general director of JSC “NIIAS”
- On the creation of a subcommittee on “Artificial intelligence in railway transport” on the basis of the organization
The heads of working groups in the field of applying artificial intelligence in crime investigation (A.A. Bessonov), in education (V.A. Dzedik), in industry (E.B. Shantayev), in agriculture (Z.A. Godzhayev), in urban electric transport (D.G. Plotnikov) also made reports at the meeting.

Following the results of the VII Extended Meeting of TC 164, the following decisions were made:
- The activities of TC 164 during the reporting period are recognized as satisfactory
- Recommend that the Working Groups continue their activities, paying particular attention to coordinating proposals (“industry roadmaps” for AI standardization) with government regulators in the relevant areas of activity and related TCs on standardization
- Approve the consolidated proposals of TC 164 in the National Standardization Program for 2025
- Approve the inclusion of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics named after acad. Zababakhin, JSC NIIAS, Ar Soft LLC
- Support the proposal of JSC NIIAS to create a subcommittee PC04 “Artificial Intelligence in Railway Transport” with the assignment of functions for maintaining the secretariat of PC04 to JSC NIIAS
- Recommend that the secretariat of TC 164 contact the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation with a proposal to consider the possibility of taking into account in the federal project “Artificial Intelligence” works related to the development of standardization and conformity assessment systems in the field of artificial intelligence
- Recommend that the secretariat of TC 164 consider the possibility of forming a register of scientific publications that facilitate the implementation of national standards of TC 164, and make it publicly available on the website
- Recommend that the secretariat of TC 164, together with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), plan a number of events dedicated to the issues of standardization of processes for the development and application of artificial intelligence systems, with the participation of the heads of the relevant Working Groups of the secretariat of TC 164 and interested specialized organizations that are part of the RSPP
The meeting was also attended by IIS General Director Alexander Katin.

The meeting materials are available on the TC 164 website: video recording, presentations (in Russian).