Институт развития информационного общества

The third issue of the Information Society journal for 2024 has been published

Please meet the third issue of the scientific and analytical journal “Information Society” for 2024. The main theme of the issue is Life in digital: what’s new.

Information war and changing the old world order
Remote investment entrepreneurship
Business models of enterprises in digital economy
Difference between traditional and digital protectionism
Intellectual migration in Azerbaijan
Legal regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles
Media activity of military universities
Machine translation based on multi-agent neurocognitive architectures
ICT for proactive and anticipatory management
Interoperability of information systems

In her address to readers “Open science as a global public good,” the journal’s editor-in-chief Tatiana Ershova wrote:

“Russians have an openness of spirit,” wrote philosopher and sociologist Nikolai Berdyaev, the author of the original concept of the philosophy of freedom, in his collection “The Fate of Russia” (1914-1917). And this is truly so. This is why Russia immediately supported the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.

In the foreword to last year’s report “Open science outlook 1: status and trends around the world” Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay noted: “…… More than ever, we need science – science that is open and collaborative, and therefore effective. However, despite the potential of the open science model, it is far from widespread. We can and must go further. We must make scientific results, processes and methods accessible. We must democratize science. <…> We must bring about a cultural shift, to ensure that open science is no longer the exception, but the rule.”

Our editorial board and the Institute of the Information Society, where we have been working for 25 years, have always professed the principle of openness of scientific research. We publish articles in the journal completely free of charge for authors and, from 2020, also for readers. Since that time, we have been distributing our authors’ works under the terms of the open international license Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – ShareAlike 4.0 International; CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This means that you can freely share (exchange) – copy and distribute journal materials on any medium and in any format; adapt (create derivative materials) – remix, modify, and create new things based on this material. In this case, the following simple rules must be observed: indicate authorship, do not use the material for commercial purposes, and when creating a derivative material, distribute it under the terms of the same license.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, citing analysis data from the Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, notes that Russia’s contribution to the global number of publications indexed in the Scopus database doubled from 2010 to 2019, which allowed Russia to move to 7th place in the global ranking. But in 2022, due to the worsening geopolitical situation, the participation of Russian scientists in a number of international scientific projects was suspended. The number of publications in indexed scientific publications has noticeably decreased, and Russia’s share in the global flow of publications has fallen to 3%. Thus, before our eyes, politicking is becoming the cause of the destruction of scientific ties and causing irreparable damage to world science, torpedoing the free exchange of scientific ideas.

According to the Director-General of UNESCO, for open science to realize its full potential, it must become global public good. However, until the desire for “hegemony”, which has given rise to harmful discrimination against Russia and other countries defending their sovereignty, is not stopped, open science will remain only a beautiful metaphor. And although we are currently going through difficult times, we remain confident that collaboration between scientists around the world will not only continue, but will soon flourish. In the meantime, we are guided by the principle “Do what you must, and come what may.”